Growing trends in digital marketing

Digital marketing is not just one thing, there are several aspects to it that come together and makes it a successful enterprise. Digital marketing with the advent of internet and social media has revolutionized the way of seeking services and consuming products. Visual and Written mediums come together to create a story around a service or a product and in turn create demands and awareness in the marketplace and reach customers worldwide. Digital marketing has allowed service providers to reach specific audience by narrowing the process through SEOs.

Like fashion, what worked in last decade or even last year doesn’t work in the current or next year, similarly what worked in digital marketing last year does not necessarily mean that it will work today or tomorrow. Technology keeps on getting better and better and the tastes and ways of people are changing constantly, so are the tools that once seemed ambitious now have become topmost priorities in digital marketing.

Following are some of the growing trends in the field.

  1. Local SEOs

If you have a verified Google Business Listings then you can appear on the results more prominently. Enabling the geographical location of your company will allow google to narrow it down for customers looking for services near them. It is ideal for small scale or local providers. Click here if you want to know more about SEOs.

  • Chatbots

Marketing aided by artificial intelligence will push it to new levels. Chatbots are virtual assistants, much of the customer service require human resource now but soon that won’t be the case, businesses are already interested in these virtual bots as they will provide 24×7 customer service.

  • Visual representation

Nothing beats the visual medium, its effective in communicating informationin a less tiring way. It keeps the information attractive and comprehensive; studies also reveal that visual medium has more impact than the written medium. Therefore, infographics and video presentation are no longer an option but a necessity.

  • Feature Snippets

Anything that you search now, you will find snippets of the most viewed or impressionable content at the top of their results. It is an effort by google in giving information quickly. Hence, creating content that hooks and drives traffic has become more competitive.

  • Interactive content

Alongside video content, immersive experiences such as augmented reality, quizzes, polls and 360-degree videos will become mainstream. Interactive content will enrich the connection between customer and the company.

Posted in SEO